“You get to choose the risks, but you don’t get to choose the consequences!”
The SA Metropolitan Fire Service’s Road Awareness Program (RAP) has been delivered to South Australian high schools since 2005 and now reaches over 85% of Year 11 students, as well as an increasing number of adults across the state. Our program aims to reduce the road toll by encouraging road users to address risk taking behaviour on our roads, take responsibility for their choices and use positive peer pressure to keep their mates safe.
This app supplements the RAP Live program by offering users the opportunity to:
• learn more about the stories of our crash survivors and firefighters
• explore current road safety issues and stay up to date on the latest road safety news
• take part in short term challenges to maintain good attitudes and make smarter decisions, which will lead to safer behaviours
• access educational materials
• book a RAP Live presentation and more!
Participants already booked in to a presentation should download this app and register within it in preparation for the RAP Live presentation.
RAP: Looking after our mates!